Welcome to continuing professional development for education professionals. Within this section are a number of short courses aimed at those working within education in any context. You may be a teacher, trainer, teaching support or other support worker, education manager, lunch time supervisor or any other member of nursery, school, college, university, charity or private trainer provider staff.
This provision is brought to you in partnership between Brightlink and associates with a wealth of qualifications and experience in the field of education. These partners are specialists in learning, with a unique mix of skills and experiences.
Unit’s coming soon include:
- Education law
- Continuous improvement in education
- Mentoring
- Domestic abuse awareness
- Child and youth engagement
- Healthy relationships for children and young people
Testimonial from a parent
When my eldest child was in year 10 of high school, they suffered horrendously with bullying and anxiety relating to attending school to the point where they were classified as a school refuser and the school had more or less said that there was nothing more that could be done to help. This was even though my child was keen and willing to learn, but due to the circumstances of the bullying and anxiety found it difficult in the standard school setting . Lorna saw the what was happening and engaged with my child and asked them what would make the learning environment better for them. Having spent time with my child, and listened to their views, Lorna designed and implemented a bespoke learning experience for my child and others in the same situation. Thanks to Lorna’s innovative engagement, advocacy and ability to think outside the usual educational box, my child went on to complete year 11 of their education gaining GCSE passes. For my child to have been treated as an individual with an opinion that mattered was essential to their engagement and progression. They have grown considerably as a person and in confidence since Lorna’s intervention and have now enrolled in a University Degree in Youth and Community which will enable them to work in a wide range of formal and informal educational settings, supporting individuals’ personal and social development and enabling them to realise their potential thereby giving back something to young people that they were given by Lorna. I have no doubt that without Lorna’s intervention and support this would not have happened. Lorna has stayed in touch and continues to be a supportive and positive influence in my child’s life.