CILEX legacy or CPQ?
CILEX, which is the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, accredits one of the most recognised legal qualifications in the world. A chartered qualification can give you a significant career advantage from securing better pay to opening up new job opportunities.
The CILEX Professional Qualification (CPQ) is the new route to becoming a CILEX Lawyer for learners who gained CILEX membership from 1st June 2021 onwards.
CPQ replaces the existing CILEX qualifications which are being phased out over time and are often known now as legacy qualifications.
While everyone who gained or gains their membership after 1st June 2021 must study CPQ qualifications, those who became a CILEX member before 31st May 2021 can choose whether to study via the legacy or CPQ route.
If you are someone who may choose between the 2 routes, it is helpful to know what you can about both and to consider the main differences.
Legacy qualification route
- Includes Diplomas at levels 3 and 6 and qualifying work experience.
- Level 3 Diploma includes 10 units and takes an average of 2 years.
- Level 6 Diploma includes 6 units and takes an average of 2 years.
- Qualifying employment is 3 years, work of a wholly legal nature, at least 20 hours a week under the supervision of a Chartered Legal Executive or Solicitor. At least one year must be after completion of the academic stages of qualification.
- Practice rights can be applied for in several areas of legal specialism after 5 years’ experience working in those specialisms.
- The last level 3 exams available for first sitting are in June 2023, there will be a resit only exam session in November 2023.
- The last level 6 exams available for first sitting are in June 2026, there will be a resit only exam session in November 2026.
- Once courses are successfully completed you will be a Graduate. When qualifying employment is successfully applied for and evidenced you can gain Fellowship and be a Chartered Legal Executive Lawyer.
- There is no need to be working in a legal environment to study.
- Costs under £4,000 to study with Brightlink. Costs with other providers vary.
- An additional short course is necessary to gain parity with those CPQ qualified and be able to use the title CILEX Lawyer.
CPQ qualifications
- Include Foundation, Advanced and Professional stages in which you also undertake professional experience and evidence practice rights.
- Foundation can include up to 7 modules and can take an average of 2 years. You will be a CILEX Paralegal on completion of this.
- Advanced can include up to 7 modules and can take an average of 2 years. You will be a CILEX Advanced Paralegal on completion of this.
- Professional can include up to 3 modules and can take an average of a year and a half. You will be a CILEX Lawyer on completion of this.
- Working in a legal environment is necessary during study and would need to start no later than 6 months into foundation study.
- Costs under £7,500 to study with Brightlink. CILEX recommended cost to providers is £9,000.
** Some learners may have exemptions by virtue of previous qualifications.
** Qualifications can be completed much more quickly or over a much longer period of time and often are.
CPQ can take longer than legacy, it costs more and you will need to be working in a legal environment, or begin to do so at the latest by the time you’re 6 months into your qualification. However, practice rights and qualifying employment are included in the qualification and those who are CPQ qualified will be known as CILEX Lawyers.
Legacy can be cheaper, depending where you study, it can be quicker and can be studied without working in a legal role initially. You will need to spend three years working in a legal environment, though before achieving your full professional qualification.
It’s important that each learner gathers all the information, applies it to their situation and chooses the best path for them.
Brightlink provide information and advice on https://brightlink.org.uk 02921 888386 or connect@brightlink.org.uk
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This also appered on Linkedin CILEX Legacy or CPQ? (linkedin.com)