Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions for CILEX Legacy, CILEX CPQ and SQE

Here you will find answers to frequently asked question about CILEX CPQ.
Why are Brightlink units so cheap?
We’d say reasonably priced rather than cheap because although they’re affordable they are definitely high quality in content and delivery.
When we set our pricing structure we aren’t driven by profit, we need to cover our costs to make sure our materials are always accessible and to offer our staff and their families a living wage. We add only a small amount for development so we can keep improving our offer to learners and because we want to save some to be able to offer scholarships in future. If you need to finish your studies and need a little help to do so financially in future, we’d like to be able to help you with that.
We only want to give you what you need and a little more for your comfort and convenience. For example, a level 3 legacy unit takes an average of 12 weeks to complete, distance learning lets you learn in your own time of course, and so you may take less or more time. We give you a 6-month subscription. Why pay for a year or more when what you need is 3-6 months?
We also save money by not printing any materials and instead providing them online for convenience, wherever you are and whenever you would like to choose to study.
What do you get when you buy a Brightlink CILEX unit of study?
Legacy | CPQ |
Online materials that cover the whole syllabus via the Brightlink website. | Access from CILEX to their eBooks online. |
Assignments and a mock exam to practice exam performance and test your learning and progress. | Assignments and a mock exam to practice exam performance and test your learning and progress. |
A named subject specialist tutor for each subject. | A named subject specialist tutor for each subject. |
A one to one, face to face induction online. | A one to one, face to face induction online. |
Tutor contact via email and Zoom video conference. | One to one tutor contact via email and Zoom video conference. |
A restorative approach to your learning where you and your tutor will discuss what you need to do your best and agree a mutual learning contract based on that.
A restorative approach to your learning where you and your tutor will discuss what you need to do your best and agree a mutual learning contract based on that.
Guidance on revision and exam preparation. | Guidance on revision and exam preparation. |
Workshops covering exam pre release materials for practice subjects. | Guidance on study skills. |
Responsive, quick, professional and friendly customer service. | Monthly subject workshops. |
A supportive learning community. | Pre-recorded mini lessons. |
Westlaw for legal research units. | Responsive, quick, professional and friendly customer service. |
A supportive learning community. | |
Westlaw for legal research units. |
How many stages are there in CPQ? What levels are they and what qualification will I get?
CPQ has three qualifications within it.
- The Foundation stage is set at level 3 and on completion you will be a CILEX Paralegal. Level 3 is equivalent to A level.
- The Advanced stage is set at around level 4 and if you complete both Foundation and Advanced stages you will be an Advanced Paralegal. Level 4 is equivalent to 1st year honours degree.
- The Professional stage is set at level 6 and if you complete all three stages, you will be a CILEX Lawyer. Level 6 is equivalent to 3rd year honours degree.
Which subjects and how many units must you study at each stage?
Foundation stage
7 mandatory modules
- Ethics and professional responsibility – done with CILEx
- Professional skills succeeding in a legal environment
- Professional skills legal research
- Legal systems
- Contract law
- Law of tort
- Introduction to property and private client
Advanced stage
Five mandatory modules
- Ethics and professional responsibility – done with CILEx
- Professional and legal skills
- Dispute resolution
- Criminal law and litigation
- Property and conveyancing
Plus, one optional module from a choice of:
- Business and employment law
- Family law and practice
- Wills, probate and private client
Professional stage
One mandatory module – professional skills.
Plus, one optional module from:
- Dispute resolution
- Criminal litigation
- Residential conveyancing
- Commercial conveyancing
- Employment law
- Business and commercial law
- Family litigation
- Wills, probate and private client
- Immigration law
You must also undertake and evidence professional experience at each stage.
How long does each stage take?
This varies from one person to the next depending on how much time you have to give. Our subscriptions are set up on the basis of you working around 3.5 hours a week on each subject to fit your study around work and personal commitments. You may be able to spend more time each week and so you may progress much more quickly than the time estimate CILEX give.
CILEX estimate as follows:
Foundation stage – 18 months – 2 years.
Advanced stage – 18 months – 2 years.
Professional stage – 12 – 18 months.
*Please note under CILEX Rules you have 3 years to complete each stage of CPQ, unless you are an apprentice in which case you have 2 years.*
Is it necessary to be working in a legal environment to complete CPQ?
Yes, you have to undertake professional experience at each stage. It’s possible to start the Foundation stage without having employment in the sector but you would need to have that work in order to complete that stage and achieve the qualification and to move on to the Advanced stage.
How do you get started with CPQ?
With CPQ you have to register for a stage with CILEX before you begin it, so you would go to their website, click get started, follow the process to register for your stage with or without exemptions as appropriate. This registration covers your professionalism and ethics courses, your professional membership, the bookshelf of eBooks for all the subjects and your assessment entries. While you’re filling out the registration on the CILEX website there will be a question as to whether you’ve chosen your learning centre, click yes and you can select Brightlink from the drop down.
Can I take an accelerated pathway to being a practitioner under the CPQ route?
There is no equivalent to the accelerated pathways that could be followed in the legacy system under CPQ. CILEX have said that doesn’t rule out them doing something at some point in the future if there is enough demand, but they have given it no consideration as yet.
When are CPQ exam sessions?
CPQ exams, like the legacy ones are initially available in January, June and November in 2022 but from 2023 CILEX are hoping to offer them on demand.
What are the new CPQ membership grades?
At the time of writing, CILEX tell us they are developing these and expect them to be ready soon.
Are CPQ subjects assessed by coursework or exams?
All CPQ units are assessed by online exams.
Are CPQ exams multiple choice?
Yes, at Foundation and Advanced stage most assessments are multiple choice. At professional stage there will be a combination of drafting, written responses, role play and maybe some multiple choice too.
I use assistive software to enable me to use my computer at home/ work, can I get help to use this with other reasonable adjustments for CILEX CPQ exams?
Yes, you should let CILEX know that you need reasonable adjustments in your study and your exams as soon as possible because there is lots they can do to help. You can get help with work firewalls, with integration and use of software, extra time and anything else that is available.
During study, if you have particular learning needs you can also ask for free hard copies of books from the bookshelf and support to learn how to use all the features on the online books too.
For how long will I have access to the books on the CILEX bookshelf from the time I register for a stage?
3 years.
For how long will I have access to my Brightlink CPQ course?
Foundation stage
Access to online materials and one to one support from enrolment | Access to workshops from enrolment | |
Professional skills succeeding in a legal environment | 6 months | 12 months |
Professional skills legal research | 6 months | 12 months |
Legal systems | 6 months | 12 months |
Contract law | 7 months | 14 months |
Introduction to property and private client | 12 months | 24 months |
Law of tort | 7 months | 14 months |
How can I fund my CPQ?
You can pay in full, in instalments or someone else like an employer can pay for you. We are working on a finance partner who may be able to offer loans at a reasonable interest rate and will announce if this becomes available.
CILEX are offering scholarships that are available to you no matter which learning centre you study with. Brightlink will also offer the occasional scholarship in future and you can watch our social media to find out more about these.
If you work 51% or more of your time in Wales you could be eligible for funding under the Welsh Legal Apprenticeship Program.
How often will CILEX update their CPQ eBooks?
At least once every 2 years and more often when the law changes.
Can I have a hard copy version of my eBooks?
Yes, you can buy hard copies if you wish which are about £26 each at the time of writing.
eBooks allow audio functions to listen rather than read and you can listen or read across three devices which will all synchronise.
You can also create flashcards from your eBook as you progress through it.
If you need a hard copy book because of a neurodiversity or learning need in particular you can apply to CILEX to access these without additional charge. The person in charge of reasonable adjustments and support at CILEX is Lyndsey O’Brien.
You can print up to 7 pages at a time from a book at home for yourself.
Can I just register with CILEX, read the eBooks and then enter myself for an exam when I feel ready?
No, you must study a subject with an accredited learning centre like Brightlink before you can enter an exam in that subject. If you tried to study alone or with the help of a non-accredited person or organisation, this would be discovered after the exams when results are released. This would mean your exam results would be withdrawn due to misconduct.
Here you will find answers to frequently asked question about CILEX Legacy Qualification.
Why are Brightlink units so cheap?
We’d say reasonably priced rather than cheap because although they’re affordable they are definitely high quality in content and delivery.
When we set our pricing structure we aren’t driven by profit, we need to cover our costs to make sure our materials are always accessible and to offer our staff and their families a living wage. We add only a small amount for development so we can keep improving our offer to learners and because we want to save some to be able to offer scholarships in future. If you need to finish your studies and need a little help to do so financially in future, we’d like to be able to help you with that.
We only want to give you what you need and a little more for your comfort and convenience. For example, a level 3 legacy unit takes an average of 12 weeks to complete, distance learning lets you learn in your own time of course, and so you may take less or more time. We give you a 6-month subscription. Why pay for a year or more when what you need is 3-6 months?
We also save money by not printing any materials and instead providing them online for convenience, wherever you are and whenever you would like to choose to study.
What do you get when you buy a Brightlink CILEX unit of study?
Legacy | CPQ |
Online materials that cover the whole syllabus via the Brightlink website. | Access from CILEX to their eBooks online. |
Assignments and a mock exam to practice exam performance and test your learning and progress. | Assignments and a mock exam to practice exam performance and test your learning and progress. |
A named subject specialist tutor for each subject. | A named subject specialist tutor for each subject. |
A one to one, face to face induction online. | A one to one, face to face induction online. |
Tutor contact via email and Zoom video conference. | One to one tutor contact via email and Zoom video conference. |
A restorative approach to your learning where you and your tutor will discuss what you need to do your best and agree a mutual learning contract based on that.
A restorative approach to your learning where you and your tutor will discuss what you need to do your best and agree a mutual learning contract based on that.
Guidance on revision and exam preparation. | Guidance on revision and exam preparation. |
Workshops covering exam pre release materials for practice subjects. | Guidance on study skills. |
Responsive, quick, professional and friendly customer service. | Monthly subject workshops. |
A supportive learning community. | Pre-recorded mini lessons. |
Westlaw for legal research units. | Responsive, quick, professional and friendly customer service. |
A supportive learning community. | |
Westlaw for legal research units. |
Do I still apply for practice rights in the same way?
The current application and portfolio process for practice rights will come to an end in December 2023. After that, CILEX Regulation have applied to the Legal Services Board to make the new process after that a case study.
Do I still apply for qualifying employment in the same way?
CILEX say they currently have no plans to change the way that you accrue and evidence your qualifying employment. You will still use the application to CILEX Regulation accompanied by portfolios of evidence until at least the end of 2026 but probably for at least a year after that.
Are there particular units that I should study for my options if I am considering transitioning to CPQ in the future?
Yes, make sure you choose conveyancing as an option to help you gain exemption from CPQ Foundation.
Which date can I sit legacy exams for any and all units until?
June 2023 for level 3 and June 2026 for level 6, there will also be resit only exam sessions in November of 2023 for level 3 and November 2026 for level 6. Some learning centres will be withdrawing their offer of subjects before those dates that is just specific to those learning centres. Brightlink will offer all of the units we currently do until final enrolment sessions in March 2023 for level 3 and March 2026 for level 6.
Can I still start study for a level 6 stand-alone certificate?
Yes, CILEX say these will remain available until withdrawal of level 6 in 2026.
If I finish my CILEX qualifications via the legacy route, will I have the same status as someone who qualifies under CPQ?
No but it is possible to gain that parity. Those who complete CPQ will have their qualifying employment and practice rights in their qualification and for some, advocacy rights too. They will be called CILEX Lawyers if they have completed all three stages of CPQ study or have transitioned completing all necessary units after their exemptions have been allocated.
When you complete your legacy qualifications and your qualifying employment, you will need to undertake a short top up CPD course if you would like to have the same status as someone qualified via CPQ. The content and detail of that course has not been decided by CILEX just yet so we cannot share any further information.
If you choose not to do the top up, you will still be a GCILEX or FCILEX but cannot call yourself a CILEX Lawyer and will not have the same rights to practice unsupervised.
Can I still enroll for the Graduate Fast Track Diploma?
This has now been withdrawn you will need to look at the CPQ Graduate Route instead.
Can I still enroll for a level 6 stand-alone Certificate?
Yes, up until the 2026 withdrawal of the level 6 qualifications.
What do I need to provide to study for Brightlink CILEX legacy qualifications?
The formula for success in studying CILEx is time and commitment plus tutor guidance and reading what the examiner is reading. CILEx examiners recommend a text to read for each unit at both levels. When they’re writing the exam paper, they’ll be expecting that you have read that book and will know what’s in it. Recommended texts are published by a variety of publishers. At level 6 these can be found on the CILEx website under recommended reading Level 6 CILEX Recommended Reading List at level 3 the recommended texts are published by CILEx Law School CILEX Law School Publications please be careful when using the shop you only need the relevant manual not the full course. Your tutor will support you fully with updates and revision, so you won’t need to pay for any extra time or materials.
Which CILEX legacy units do Brightlink offer?
You can find the units we currently have on offer and see which units are coming soon on our courses page
Brightlink are accredited by CILEX to offer all units at levels 3 and 6. We will be withdrawing the level 3 units from the end of 2023 when the level3 qualification ends. Our level 6 units are available until 2026.
When and how can I enrol for a Brightlink CILEX legacy course?
You can buy a unit and begin whenever you choose, at any time of year for law and practice units. For professional skills units see the assessment schedule and contact to reserve your place or join a waiting list. For all other units just go to our courses page/ shop, select the units you would like to study and place them in your basket. Then checkout and our system will let us know we need to approve you to join the course and allocate your tutor which we’ll do as quickly as we possibly can. You can access your materials immediately after we approve your registration, and your tutor will be in touch very soon.
Here you will find answers to frequently asked question about Welsh Legal Apprenticeships.
How much does an apprentice get paid?
That is up to the employer, as long as it is over the minimum living wage then it could be any amount.
How many hours must an apprentice work each week?
16 hours or more.
Must an apprentice have a contract of employment?
Does anyone have to pay anything back if an apprentice does not complete their qualification?
No, if a learner does not complete within the 2 years then we would expect to continue working with them/ employer to get them completed as quickly as possible. They would not be required to pay anything back. We are able to suspend a learner’s course for 13 weeks in total dependent upon specific reasons, such as maternity/ paternity and illness. If this was to arise then you would need to complete a suspension form that would sit alongside the last review completed which would suspend their funding.
Am I exempt from the essential skills part of my Welsh Legal Services Apprenticeship?
If you already have a qualification in literacy, numeracy or digital literacy at level 2 or above, you may be exempt. Examples of this would be GCSEs in IT, English or Maths. You would need to have at least a C in those GCSEs and you would need to produce your certificates to apply for the exemption.
We’re currently developing Brightlink’s SQE preparation courses to bring you the same quality, value and opportunity that we’re known for in professional legal training.
We plan to offer you SQE 1 preparation courses from Spring 2022 so please keep watching our social media and this website for more news. If you’d like to join our waiting list to be the first to hear when we launch and information leading up to that when it’s released, you can email our team on
Chartered Legal Executives qualified under the legacy route need to get practice rights in the area they work to become CILEX Lawyers, if there are practice rights available In that subject.
That is correct. CILEX Lawyer at the moment is a “brand” rather than a membership grade- the membership grade is CILEX Fellow.
If there aren’t practice rights available in that subject they can never be CILEX Lawyers but that shouldn’t matter because if it’s not a subject with practice rights it means they don’t need it in that area of practice?
As long as they are admitted as Fellows and can satisfy us that they are working in an area that doesn’t require practice rights (via a declaration, the form/process for which s under development), they only need to complete the Ethics & Professional Responsibility in Context e-learning module to be able to call themselves CILEX Lawyers..
If someone is working in civil lit, criminal lit or family lit, it is compulsory for them to complete the advocacy course under CPQ before they will become a CILEX Lawyer
They will not be fully authorised by CRL until they have completed the Advocacy course. Once they are admitted as Fellows via CPQ then they will be able to call themselves CILEX Lawyer
Is it also compulsory for those legacy qualified to do both practice rights and the advocacy course in order to become a CILEX Lawyer?
Under legacy, they could only do Advocacy and call themselves a CILEX Lawyer.
If they do not will their membership grade be Advanced Paralegal?
They would be CILEX Fellows but not able to call themselves CILEX Lawyers.